Non Mammals
Barred Owl
Strix varia
Barred owls are larger, more aggressive, and more adaptable than northern spotted owls. They displace spotted owls, disrupt their nesting, and compete with them for food. Researchers also have seen a few instances of barred owls interbreeding with or killing spotted owls.
Location: Oregon, Washington, California
Impact Significance: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is concerned that without barred owl population management, the spotted owl is likely to go extinct in some parts of its range.
Hosts: Barred owls are a threat to the northern spotted owl’s continued survival.
Biology: Barred Owls are large, stocky owls with rounded heads, no ear tufts, and medium length, rounded tails.
Damage: According to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife office, Barred owls now outnumber spotted owls in many portions of the latter’s range. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is concerned that without barred owl population management, the spotted owl is likely to go extinct in some parts of its range.

Barred owl

Barred owl
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Rattle Snake
The rattlesnake is California’s only native venomous snake. Nine species are found in various areas of the state from below sea level to about 11,000 feet. Their size may vary, and adults of some species may reach 6 feet in length.
Location: California
Impact Significance: Rodents, birds, and other small animals.
Hosts: Rodents, birds, and other small animals.
Biology: Rattlesnakes are among the group of snakes called pit vipers because of the small pits on each side of the head between the eye and nostril.
Rattlesnakes have a specialized venom delivery system.
In the United States, about 1,000 rattlesnake bites are reported annually, although typically fewer than 4 people die from these bites in a given year. Although seldom fatal, bites can be extremely painful and can lead to severe tissue loss and medical trauma. It is important to never handle rattlesnakes, not even dead ones.

