Invasive Pathways
Used to ship goods long distances, cargo can be a primary pathway for spread of invasive species from one location to another as nonnative pests and diseases can be transported on the goods being shipped or via the packaging material and actual cargo.
Firewood movement is a primary pathway for spreading invasive and native pests and diseases to uninfested urban and wildland areas. Keeping firewood local to where it is cut is key to minimizing this risk.
Greenwaste is plant material that has not been treated. Therefore, movement of this material can readily transport invasive and native insects and diseases to uninfested urban and wildland areas.
Logs and wood
Movement of untreated logs and wood can serve as a pathway for spreading invasive and native forest pests and diseases to uninfested urban and wildland areas.
Nurseries supply plants for planting worldwide. These plants and associated plant material can serve as an unintended pathway for spread of invasive and native pests and diseases to uninfested urban and wildland areas.
Invasive and native pests and diseases can move from location to location via inadvertent human movement of organic material on recreational equipment as well as on shoes and vehicles. Be sure equipment, shoes, and vehicles are free of organic material prior to leaving a recreational location to help minimize risks.
Soil movement is a primary pathway for the inadvertent spread of invasive and native pests and diseases to uninfested urban and wildland areas. Use commercial-grade composted soil to help minimize risks.
Water & Boating
Water can house invasive and native pests and diseases that can be transferred from one location to another through human movement of infested water or the natural flow of a waterway that becomes infested. Invasive aquatic species can be readily transported from waterway to waterway via boats and other water vessels.
Unsuspecting travelers pring in plants, food, and other agricultural items that can contain harmful pests and diseases that directly impact our environment, food, and money.