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2017 California Forest Pest Council

Annual Meeting Presentations


Wednesday, November 15, 2017 

Welcome – Bob Rynearson, California Forest Pest Council (CFPC) Chairperson; W. M. Beaty and Associates, Inc.

2017 Aerial Survey Pest Conditions Highlights – Jeff Moore, US Forest Service (FS)

Update on Invasive Plants in California – Doug Johnson, CA Invasive Plant Council


Insect Committee Meeting

Moderator: Leif Mortenson, CFPC Insect Committee Secretary; USFS

Asian Gypsy Moth – Jason Leathers, California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA)

Balsam Wooly Adelgid in California – Cynthia Snyder, USFS

An Update on Goldspotted Oak Borer – Andrea Hefty, USFS

Using Drones to Go beyond Stand Density: Spatial Features of Western Pine Beetle-Attacked Forests – Mike Koontz, UC Davis

Insect Committee Business Meeting – Leif Mortenson


Disease Committee Meeting

Moderator: Patricia Maloney, CFPC Disease Committee Secretary; Tahoe Environmental Research Center; UC Davis

New Cylindrocladium Blight on California Bay Laurel and Potential New Hosts of Phytophthora ramorum in California – Suzanne Latham, CDFA

Sudden Oak Death and Fire in Big Sur – Kerri Frangioso, UC Davis

Ganoderma in the Almond Forest of the Central Valley – Andrew ‘Bob’ James Johnson, UC Davis

Disease Committee Business Meeting – Tom Smith, CFPC Disease Committee Chairperson; California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE)


Pesticide Laws and Regulations
Moderator: Scott Carnegie, CFPC Vice Chairperson; W.M. Beaty and Associates, Inc.

1) Assessing the Risk of Forestry Herbicides on Fish and Wildlife and 2) Glyphosate/Carcinogen – Joel Trumbo, California Department of Fish and Wildlife


Poster Session and Social
Introducing CALinvasives – Matteo Garbelotto, UC Berkeley



Thursday, November 16, 2017 

Welcome – Bob Rynearson, CFPC Chairperson; W. M. Beaty and Associates


California Pest Problems: A Case Study of Invasive Shot Hole Borers
Moderator: Bob Atkins, Invasive Species Council of California

This session features presentations on invasive species response and management from the perspectives of various agencies. The discussion will explore how to address widespread invasive species impacts in situations where no single organization has the resources or authority to take action and collaboration is needed.

Overview of the Invasive Shot Hole Borer/Fusarium Dieback Complex in California
John Kabashima, UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE), Orange County, Emeritus

USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service – Russ Bulluck

USFS – Sherry Hazelhurst

CDFA – David Pegos

CAL FIRE – Helge Eng

US Fish and Wildlife Service – Dustin Taylor and Eric Porter



California Wildlife
Moderator: Greg Giusti, CFPC Animal Damage Chair; UCCE, Lake-Mendocino County, Emeritus

Voles (Microtus) on a Redwood Planting – Greg Giusti

Black-Backed Woodpeckers, Fire, and Drought – Understanding Resource Needs of a Disturbance Specialist – Bob Wilkerson, The Institute for Bird Populations

Best Management Practices in Counting Urban Black Bears – Jonathan Fusaro, California Department of Fish and Wildlife


CFPC Business Meeting (open to all) – Bob Rynearson


Vegetation Management in Forests with High Levels of Tree Mortality
Moderator: Steve Ostoja, USDA California Climate Hub

Land managers face novel challenges to manage vegetation in areas with unprecedented levels of tree mortality. How can forests be managed in the face of physical hazards from risk of tree failure, heavy fuel loads, and a changing climate? Representatives managing public and private lands will discuss approaches and concerns.

Managing California’s Forests in a Future with Climate Change, Insects and Wildfire – Steve Ostoja

Drought, Tree Mortality, and Wildfire in Forests Adapted to Frequent Fire – Scott Stephens, UC Berkeley

Updates: Governor’s Tree Mortality Task Force and US Forest Service Tree Mortality Response Team – Stephanie Gomes, USFS & Helge Eng, CAL FIRE

Conifer Mortality and Fuel Loading Changes Due to Bark Beetles and Drought in Central and Southern California – Sharon Hood, USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station

Management Planning and Implementation on US Forest Service Land – Carolyn Ballard, USFS Sierra National Forest

Management Planning and Implementation on National Park Service Land – Brian Mattos, Yosemite National Park (NP) & Tom Warner, Sequoia and Kings Canyon NPs

Management Planning and Implementation on Private Land – Tim Tate, Sierra Pacific Industries



Diagnostic Tools for Assessing Tree Health
Moderator: Matt Dias, California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection

Acoustic and Electrical Impedance Tomography to Detect and Quantify Wood Decay in Living Trees – Gregory S. Gilbert, UC Santa Cruz

Sniffing Cryptic Infections: Progress towards Characterizing the Volatile Signature of Phytophthora-Infected Nursery Plants – Rick Bostock, UC Davis



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